A few things to know about Family Films

I’ve discovered in my years creating family films that some people are more nervous to be on video than they are to be in still photos. There is an element of feeling even more “seen” and that can sometimes feel uncomfortable. I’ve been on the other side of the camera when we had our own family film made and I totally get it. I felt really vulnerable!

But I assure you, you’re in good hands with me. Together we will create a safe space for you to feel free, comfortable, and relaxed. This is my promise to you!

Here are a few other common questions I get asked:

“I haven't lost the baby weight yet, I feel nervous about being filmed. “

In my six years of photography, I’ve learned your kids don’t care that you haven’t lost the baby weight and you deserve to be seen for the incredible parent that you are.  The most common thing I hear from my clients is that they want to book a session to remember their kids in this stage of life. And despite not necessarily feeling the best about themselves, they know how important it is to document this time in their lives. Not just for them, but for their children.

And after working with hundreds of families, I can say with certainty I know how to create space for you to feel comfortable and relaxed, which means I can make the session feel effortless and help you feel beautiful, just as you are. 

“What should we do during our Film?”

First off, if you’ve never had a photo or video session before - It’s going to be waaaay easier and more fun than you probably expect! Many clients hire me because they love my nontraditional approach to family portraits and videos. I will not ask you to look at the camera and smile.

Nothing extravagant has to be planned for a family film. A family film could simply be you hanging out on the couch laughing and reading... That being said, if there IS something that you find really special about your family, let's do that! If y'all go get donuts on Sunday mornings, let's do it. If you have game nights, Friday nights, let's do it! The best things to capture on film are the things you already do as a family. Capturing the moments that you will treasure and want to remember is the most important.

See another stunning family film here

katrina williams