5 Tips for Taking Better Photos of Your Children
I know the digital era makes it easy to press the shutter without even thinking but I believe good photos happen with intention, paying attention to what is happening, being patient, waiting for this special movement, interaction, emotion.
Tip one: Look for the light
Photography literally means ‘painting with light’. Light is without a doubt the thing that has the biggest impact on the quality of any photo. When you’re outdoors, avoid harsh, direct sunlight – ideally take photos in gentle, cloudy light or in the shade. If you can’t, then make sure the sun is behind your subject to prevent squinting and looking washed out. When you’re indoors, let in as much natural light as possible. Open blinds/ curtains and move anything that’s obstructing window light. Turn off all lights and lamps – artificial light is actually very dull and ‘muddy’ and may turn everything a strange yellow/ orange colour. Once the lights are off, look for areas of light/dark contrast; and take pictures in those pools of light wherever possible. This will usually be in front of windows and patio doors etc. Don’t use your flash! It never looks good.
Tip 2: Rule of thirds
Most people choose to position their subject smack bang in the middle of the frame, but more often than not this can actually make the image have a lot less impact. The rule of thirds tells you to break your image into thirds with two lines both horizontally and vertically. For greatest visual impact, points of interest should lie along these four lines, especially at the four points where these lines intersect, sometimes known as ‘power points’. Many camera phones call this the ‘grid’ and you can turn it on to help guide you while you’re taking photos.
Want to grab a free printable that includes these two tips, and three additional ones?
I really hope these little tips have been helpful to you and that you now have some new ideas for taking great pics of your kids!
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you’d ever like me to take some for you with you actually in them, you’re an important part of the family too! :)
“Sometimes I need only to stand wherever I am to be blessed. ”
— Mary Oliver