A Legacy Film with Walter Dellinger

Over the last few months Mark and I have been filming and recording a Legacy Film for an extraordinary special person, Walter Dellinger. Walter served as the Attorney General during the Clinton administration and the acting Solicitor General to the Supreme Court. His life of public service and progressive political views made for some very fascinating stories!

A few days after we wrapped up filming Walter suddenly passed away. As you can imagine, his family is so deeply grateful to have all the video footage of Walter telling his life story.

On our last day of filming as we were wrapping up and packing up our equipment I could sense a peace in Walter- there was a sense of closure. His life story was recorded and preserved, and documented in the way he wanted it to be. He was mentally sharp and kind and generous and we feel so incredibly lucky for the privilege of working and creating with him on his final days.

We’ll be sharing the Legacy Film soon, but for now we’ve shared a few vignettes and stories below.

katrina williams