A Wedding Ceremony at Duke University Hospital

The Story: We had the privilege to help Jodie and Brett document their special wedding celebration at Duke University Hospital. One week prior to their ceremony Jodie was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia- an aggressive form of blood cancer. Her early symptoms were shortness of breath, dizziness, and easy bruising. Within 24 hours from developing symptoms she was in the ER, then transferred to Duke Hospital and started on chemo within a few days. Her first dose of chemo was the morning of her wedding. The big wedding celebration they had planned to happen later in the month, was put on hold. They knew they wanted to commit to each other and they didn’t want to wait. What a whirlwind this sweet couple and their families have been, yet during my time with them I saw such strength, and resilience and a determination to find joy and celebrate the love.

And it reminds me of what I learned during my son’s transplant journey. That all you can do in the face of these terrible things is to love. Love the people around you. Love the life you have. I can’t think of a more powerful response to life’s sorrows than loving.

The Location: Duke University Hospital at 2301 Erwin Road, in Durham, North Carolina

Blood Donation saves lives: If you can, please consider donating blood. Jodie’s already had over 5 units of blood and platelets and will continue to need more throughout her treatment. There is a nationwide shortage for blood products, so it’s such an easy and simple gift you can give others in need.

Information for the American Red Cross here.


Their Wedding Film can be viewed here:

katrina williams