Amber and Kate's Family Film at Walnut Cove, NC

The Family Story: We first met Amber and Kate last year and we all had great creative chemistry! We were so thrilled to create with them again this summer. This year we filmed at “The Habitat” - their family land and a special place they frequent to “get out of the city”, grow flowers, vegetables, take strolls to the lake and back. This place is absolute magic! Their Aunt Talls lives there and tends to the land. When we were driving in early one morning before sunrise we could sense this place was really special.

We started at sunrise with morning coffee on the patio, then took a stroll around the property, stopping to taste fresh figs, cut fresh flowers, sit in the tree swing, and splash in the lake. Amber and Kate shared with us that someday they will build a house of their own facing the lake, and it felt so sacred to be on ground which held so much history AND so much potential. I could feel the future memories flash ahead and my heart swelled at the thoughts of them living a peaceful life surround by this majestic beauty.

These four incredible women in this Film below lovingly refer to themselves as the Fearsome Foursome - and it’s wonderful to see Lily surrounded by such strong women between her two moms and her Aunt Talls. What a lucky little one!

The Location: The Habitat Walnut Cove, North Carolina

You can see Amber and Kate’s film from last year (2020) below:

katrina williams