6 Best Tips for Editing Phone Photos

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A good photo starts when you take it, so don’t rely on editing to dramatically change your image. Remember to think about light, composition, emotion, leading lines, etc. when pressing the shutter. Be slow and intentional before you press the button. Once that is done, here are some tips to take your phone photos to the next level.

Tip #1: Choose an App

The best phone apps for editing photos are VSCO and Snapseed. I use Snapseed the most. Snapseed is an advanced app which allows you to create professional-level edits on your phone. It’s easy to learn and it’s FREE. You can even retouch skin and remove unwanted blemishes in Snapseed- which is something I use a lot!

Tip #2: Think Bright

I’m a fan of the “bright button.” Also known as exposure, this tool is the secret to making your images stand out on the screen (and in print). Because after lightening your photo, it comes to life. Be careful not to overdo it, as you risk overexposing and losing visual information in the highlights. Note that brightening is the foundation to base all other edits off of — and sometimes, bumping up the exposure is all you'll need.

How to Adjust Exposure on iPhone:

Once in edit mode, hit the “adjust” button in your camera roll (indicated by a circular dial icon). Tap the plus/minus icon, and depending on the original darkness of the photo, drag the toggle up around 1/3 to 1/2 of the way.

Quick tip: Before you start editing, check your screen’s brightness setting. If I’m in normal lighting conditions, I like to set my brightness at 50% before I alter my photos.

Grab the rest of my tips in the PDF Guide below!

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions!



katrina williams