Eliette's Story: A Time Capsule Film

Oh this sweet family has been through quite a journey, and after 115 days in the NICU they were able to bring their baby home. Kelly says during that extended time in the hospital time - forward thinking for a day was a privilege and a luxury. I so clearly remember this feeling with Soren, envious of families who could plan for the future, and longing for a day when we could look ahead.

What a privilege to be able to hold space for Kelly and Michael to process the hard journey they’ve been on. It can be so therapeutic to be able to tell your story, speaking your truth out loud. They told us before filming that many of their friends and family just didn’t know what it was like for them during the days in the NICU, they wanted someway to be able to share how it felt to straddle this line between life and death for so many days. We hope this captured a part of Eliette’s story in a way that was honest and healing.

Watch Eliette, Kelly and Michael’s journey below:

katrina williams