Secrets for looking good in photos

I know many of us are body positive and embrace the bodies we’re in, but if we’re being honest, we can sometimes be critical of our outward appearance. And we all want to look and feel good in photos right?

So here are a few tips to help you feel confident and at ease at your next Family Photo Session:

  1. Be yourself, relax, have fun, don’t think too hard. Just delight in your children. Nothing is more beautiful than the look of love and care beaming from your eyes.

  2. Find a photographer you trust, I got you :-)  

  3. Try to roll with it if your children are not cooperating or having a meltdown, laugh it off as much as you can. Looking angry is never flattering. I promise I can still get some really great photos in the midst of a meltdown! (For our last photo session my son pulled his pants down and started peeing next to a tree- he’s much too old to do this and he knows better. But Mark and I shared a special “trying-not-to-laugh-look” in the midst of the chaos and those are my favorite photos of just the two of us! True story)

  4. Lean in: It’s natural to pull your head back when a camera is in your face, but it’s much more flattering if you lean into the camera (no double chin!) elongate your neck and push your face forward, tilting your chin down slightly. Also putting your tongue on the rough of your mouth can help too (but don’t overthink it!)

  5. Stand at an angle, not straight on. I’m often guiding my mamas to turn to the side, 45 degrees, or just shifting the weight to one hip, creating a nice S curve which is very flattering.

  6. Keep moving. Motion helps, a lot. You’re going to look and feel more comfortable if you’re moving. That’s my secret when I’m on the other side of the camera, getting my own photo taken, I keep moving, shifting, dancing, jumping.

  7. Let your children climb all over you and hide the parts you don’t love (I love when my son wraps his arms around my neck anyway, the sweetest!)

  8. Choose good lighting. Your photographer will guide you to the good light, but you can also take note of where the nice light is. The light will help your skin look dreamy and reduce shadows.

  9. I also found this article with more specific examples to be helpful!

katrina williams