Magic Making with the Breslin Family

I’ve had the privilege of creating with the Breslin Family multiple times- and each time it gets better and better! This family as a special kind of magic. This evening we met at golden hour at their home in Durham, NC and they played in their backyard, dancing, chasing each other, catching the light. It was all so simple, yet so beautiful.

I was recalling Rachel’s words from the last time we created together several months ago. Together we made a Family Film which you can see here. And I love her the words she wrote after receiving their Film:

“The first few times I watched it (before we shared), I had to work hard not to just weep. I'm still having difficulty describing it well, but it was almost as though there was some healing that took place in the process of making and absorbing it. Parts of what I wrote felt almost like a confession. an acknowledgment of my shortcomings, and how Wrong I get it on so many days. But the way you were able to take those words and weave them into the film, telling part of our story and highlighting simple, truthful beauty in a way that only you felt so hopeful....and redemptive, in a way. It can so difficult for me to see beauty in and around my own failures and flaws, but you help me see it, time and time again.

And I felt almost nuts for how impacted I was by it, but then we shared it, and that word "healing" just kept coming up in people's responses. And the word Hope. And notes of "Thank you for making this," which should have gone directly to you, and not to me. And moms who described crying tears that they hadn't felt able to release all year.”

-Rachel in Durham, NC

Young boy smiling with parents in background, Breslin Family, 5200 Photo
Mom hugging young daughter outside, Breslin Family, 5200 Photo
Young boy with yellow striped shirt with white cloth on head, Breslin Family, 5200 Photo
Mom and young daughter turned away from camera, Breslin Family, 5200 Photo
Young boy surrounded by blue cloths outside, Breslin Family, 5200 Photo
Mom and young son smiling and laughing, Breslin Family, 5200 Photo
Young boy with hand on mom's shoulder, Breslin Family, 5200 Photo
Mom holding young son while daughter looks on, Breslin Family, 5200 Photo
Parents and four children twirling and laughing outside, Breslin Family, 5200 Photo
Young girl twirling outside in blue dress, Breslin Family, 5200 Photo
Mom and two young daughters smiling and looking up, Breslin Family, 5200 Photo
Mom and two young daughters playing outside in light, Breslin Family, 5200 Photo
Two daughters kissing mom's cheeks, Breslin Family, 5200 Photo
Girl playing with white cloth with dad and son in background, Breslin Family, 5200 Photo
Dad and young son smiling, Breslin Family, 5200 Photo
Young son smiling, Breslin Family, 5200 Photo
Young son's feet standing on top of dad's, Breslin Family, 5200 Photo
Mom and dad embracing outside, Breslin Family, 5200 Photo
oak church durham