Their sweet voices: Recording better Audio with your phone

The sound of your child's voice is the best, right? There is nothing like watching old videos of my son and it's his voice that gets me every time.

Some quick tips for getting better sounds when recording video:

1. Pay attention to background noise: turn off fans, TV, AC, shut doors, turn off music. Just take a moment to notice what other sounds are in the background before you press record.

2. Take note of where your microphone is physically located on your phone (look it up online if you're not sure). Be sure to not cover it up with your hand while recording. Any kind of “handling noise” while recording can be tricky to remove in post-processing.

3. Set up a time to “interview” them. Ask for some special time when you are going to pay close attention and ask them questions about what they currently love.

3. If it's easier or less intrusive, record things in your voice memo app - we could incorporate things like this into your Time Capsule film, too!

5. Ask them to read a book or sing a song and record it.

6. Ready to take it up a level? Consider attaching an external mic to your phone like this one.

katrina williams