Stay home and Carry On

Nothing about this week has been “business as usual.”

The entire world has turned its focus to a unifying crisis — the COVID-19 pandemic. Jobs are being lost by the thousands, whole industries are on the brink of breakdown, schools are closed, and for so many, going into work feels like entering a warzone. People are afraid of each other, of touching things, of the future.

Conversations about anxiety and mental health are at an all-time high. Our lives are being disrupted and reshaped in very challenging ways almost overnight. It’s a lot.

On top of everything, we’re trying to figure out what to do while we’re in isolation to keep our lives moving forward and keep our sanity while we’re at it.

As important as it is for us to all stay informed about the developing pandemic, hitting refresh on the newsfeed a hundred times a day and stewing in fear is only going to make the isolation harder.

We still need to laugh, learn, move our bodies, create, eat good food, and hold those we are isolated with.

As hard as it is to not panic about the future, I try to repeat this mantra to myself many times a day to stay centered and return to what’s in front of me: “Health and Love is all we really need, we’ll figure out the rest.”

Taking things one day at a time, and I hope you are as well.



katrina williams