The Healing Family Film || Durham Family Filmmakers

Mark and I have an idea but we haven't figured out all the details (as you'll see if you watch the video!). But we've decided we're not going to wait until we have it all figured out. We want this idea to be out in the world and trust that the family who needs something like this will connect.

We call it a Healing Family Film.

Our “normal” Family Films are often about celebrating joy and finding meaning in the mundane. But sometimes a family has experienced so much pain or loss that their joy is constricted, and their capacity to experience wholeness is somehow interrupted.

Our fervent belief is that through the telling of our stories, we find healing, relief, and maybe even some kind of peace. Our idea is to work closely with a family in the telling their story, and together help create a film that promotes healing.

But more than creating a film for you, we want to create a space for you to ask your family important question and share your stories. Families are complicated, right? With our therapeutic training, we are especially skilled in lovingly guiding you through the process.

Click the video below to learn more:

katrina williams