The Reyes Family: A Time Capsule || Durham Family Photographer

The Family: The Reyes Family is truly one of a kind- Mark and I are so inspired by the way they are raising their children, the connection between Chris and Zava, and the intentionality they put into every aspect of their lives together. Their home is filled with creativity, wonder, love and warmth. Take a look at their Family Film below and you will see what I’m talking about!

The Location: Their family home in downtown Durham, North Carolina

The Response: “Katrina and Mark, thank you both so much for the beautiful film and photos! We cannot thank you enough for this precious gift. The film is absolutely stunning, I’ve been watching it all day as I wrap presents and I’m just flooded with emotions as you both have captured on film forever the love we have for each other and your work highlights the intentional choices we are making to provide a peaceful home. Even though this film captured 2021 for us, I truly feel like y’all have documented our entire journey as a family in this one film. Thank you again for this priceless family treasure and also for the weight that has been removed from my shoulders knowing that this years photo documentation is taken care of with the film, photos, and photo book. I cannot wait to work with y’all again for next years photos and video!”

-Zava Durham, North Carolina 2021

Below is a portion of their Time Capsule Film:

katrina williams