This practice changed everything for me

This daily practice has helped me to open my mind and spirit to receive beauty in a new way. It shifted my perspective and has helped me notice beauty during the last year, a difficult year.  And even better, my son pays attention when I do this practice, and he has started to join in. He now reminds me to notice beauty and light in this new way. 


It is a powerful exercise: you step out onto your front porch, into the grass of your yard or just as you sit beside a window and you welcome the light. Reciting the blessing below: 


Here are the words to the Navajo Way blessing I use in the video ...


In beauty I walk
With beauty before me I walk
With beauty behind me I walk
With beauty above me I walk
With beauty around me I walk
It has become beauty again
It has become beauty again
It has become beauty again
It has become beauty again 


Even on the darkest days, in the middle of this never-ending pandemic, there is beauty and there is light. There is always something to savor and something to delight in. You just need to look and invite it in.

Will you try this practice with me? 


Below is a video of my son and I welcoming the light in the backyard of our Durham home.

katrina williams