Common Questions about Family Films 

The Modern Family Film is a new concept in our area, so there are usually some questions. I love getting to answer questions about Family Films because I am deeply passionate about Films and I love sharing the reasons why this is my favorite way to document my own family and yours. 

My deepest longing was to be able to remember my children and our family, and the sweet, beautiful, chaotic, crazy days of this precious season. One of my fears is that I won't be able to remember it all....that there is no true way to capture each child's face, postures, movement, texture....that those things will slowly slip away from me as they grow and change. But your Family Films are a way to save it. To preserve a moment in a way that shows movement and feeling and love. I want you to know that I will treasure and savor every second of this film, forever.”

-Rachel B

Here are a few of the most asked questions and my answers to them:

Do your Family Films come with photos? 

Yes, definitely! Each Family Film comes with a beautiful collection of photographs as well, available in an online gallery 2-3 weeks after your session.  On your Film day, I’m periodically taking photographs as well, and while my style is very relaxed and natural, we’ll make sure to get beautiful portraits you can frame and send grandparents as well. 

I haven't lost the baby weight yet, I feel nervous about being filmed. 

In my six years of photography, I’ve learned your kids don’t care that you haven’t lost the baby weight and you deserve to be seen for the incredible parent that you are.  The most common thing I hear from my clients is that they want to book a session to remember their kids in this stage of life. And despite not necessarily feeling the best about themselves, they know how important it is to document this time in their lives. Not just for them, but for their children.

And after working with hundreds of families, I can say with certainty I know how to create space for you to feel comfortable and relaxed, which means I can make the session feel effortless and help you feel beautiful, just as you are. 

I'm excited, but my partner is apprehensive.

Let me reassure you that this happens at most of our sessions. Usually (but not always) there is one partner who is more reserved about the experience. My first suggestion is to get them involved. Show them other films I have made, have them on phone calls when we talk. Make sure they know what to expect. If that is hard to do because of busy schedules, know that they will warm up the day of. Once we get started filming most people realize how easy it is and there are never any issues!  So many times now, we’ve heard from the reluctant partner that they had “way more fun” and it was “way easier” than they anticipated.

It’s a big investment, I’m not sure I’m ready. 

I know it’s a big investment. Take it from a mother I’ve created with, "Our Family Film is without a doubt the best investment of memories of our little ones"-Sarah R. 

Why are films so much more expensive? A film generally takes anywhere from 20-30hrs (sometimes even longer) to create. Video requires a great deal of time spent editing to get things just right, far more time than it takes for photos. It might seem expensive, but I guarantee you it's worth it and the value of that film will increase with every year. 

See more reviews here.

But my children are not babies anymore, does this work with older kids?

My answer is 100% yes. I believe we can make magic at any age.  There is always love and your story is unique. We’ll capture the beauty that is present in your family the way it is in this season of life.  We’ll plan an activity around what your children love to do currently, then we’ll capture the love and beauty that unfolds.  See a beautiful example below:

Also, check out this blog post for the magic that can happen with other children.

What if my children aren’t cooperative?

I have a wild, energetic 4 year old who is quite strong-willed, so I totally get this one. I’ve wanted to push off photos because we were in a “hard season”.  I think one of my superpowers is finding the beauty in the struggle, the beauty in the mess. You can trust me to do this.  We’ll follow your child’s lead and if they meltdown, we’ll find the sweet moments after the meltdown.  Our sessions are judgment-free zones. We get it, we’ve been there. I’ve found that often children love all the undivided attention and love they are receiving from their parents, that they generally eat it up and have a wonderful time.  

Is my house too dark?

We are light seekers, and we can always find pockets of beautiful light to work with. And actually, we ask all of our clients to keep their artificial lights off and window blinds open for the films. This allows for the most beautiful, most natural lighting. We don't need a ton of light to make a beautiful film. You would be surprised what we can work with!

Should we clean our house?

No need! I may ask you to remove clutter from bedside tables and get some fresh flowers for you most-lived-in space, but otherwise don’t stress about deep cleaning or vacuuming. It won’t show on the video!  We have creative ways of hiding the mess so it doesn't distract from the beauty of your connections and your family.

What should we wear?

Something you feel comfortable and beautiful in!  In all my years in photography, this is the most important thing. Wear something you feel good in. If you’re uncomfortable in a new outfit, or your straps are falling down, it will show. Wear something you can move, dance, play in.   The same goes for your children. You want them to play and have fun while I'm there so make sure you don't put them in something you're worried about them messing up!   *I offer more personalized guidance and personalized styling suggestions based on what you want and what you need.

What should we do during our Film?

First off, if you’ve never had a photo or video session before - It’s going to be waaaay easier and more fun than you probably expect! Many clients hire me because they love my nontraditional approach to family portraits and videos. I will not ask you to look at the camera and smile.

First, nothing extravagant has to be planned for a family film. A family film could simply be you hanging out on the couch laughing and reading... That being said, if there IS something that you find really special about your family, let's do that! If y'all go get donuts on Sunday mornings, let's do it. If you have game nights, Friday nights, let's do it! The best things to capture on film are the things you already do as a family. Capturing the moments that you will treasure and want to remember is the most important.

Are you wondering what a Family Film looks like: 

I believe a special kind of magic happens when families slow down and invite me into their story to capture their love.

It’s a collaboration of their willingness to be vulnerable and my ability to meet them where they are.

The end result is film and photos full of honesty, beauty, and love.

The true beauty of this session is that it is really easy and enjoyable! There is minimal prep involved and practically no way for it to fail. You are literally just being fully present with your family and loving on your children, and I’m there to capture it for you!

Ok, I’m ready. How do I book? 

Schedule a consult call now, so we can plan your session



"Katrina captured the real, raw, messy of our lives, complete with dance parties, snuggles, and playing... but in the most cinematic, soulful, and beautiful way. I have been watching this video every morning before I wake up the beasts to remind me of the beauty in it all and I swear it's making me a better mother."


Sarah Potts