Savor The Beauty

For a long time photography has been my instrument for noticing and savoring the beauty in this world.

When Søren was quite ill, and we were told our days with him were numbered, I turned to video as well to help me preserve the precious time we had with him. A way to remember his belly laugh, to remember his sweet little voice, or the way he’d looked at me and without speaking we knew what the other was thinking. We’d synchronize our breathing. I was constantly asking myself, how can I preserve this Magic? And how can I capture this magic for others? Raising children is hard, but there is also so much magic and beauty within the challenges, the busy days and the chaos.

I need more than a still image to capture all this emotion. I need to stretch out time. And relive moments that might never happen again.

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I want to do this for others. Because it's all so precious and so fleeting. And I want to hold onto the good.

You can see how I helped this same do just that in this video below: 

Kate Densmore